Sunday, 21 July 2019

Three Little Lammings

I promised Blasthof for this post, but I've been distracted by a burst of painting energy (of which more anon), and by these little chaps:

Lamming 20mm French Napoleonic Infantry
By the Left

The figures are all 20mm Lamming Miniatures French Foot Napoleonics of early 1970s vintage, specifically (from left to right):

FI/8: Line Fusilier;
FI/3: Imperial Guard Grenadier Advancing; and
FI/1: Line Voltigeur or Grenadier Elite.

Lamming 20mm French Napoleonic Infantry
Face Front

These are not well documented figures (although the Vintage Wargamer has a wonderful collection of FI/3s on his Old Metal Detector blog), so I'm very pleased to present them to the blogosphere. I have very many more of them than is really wise or sensible, so the first task is to paint them up as test figures.

Lamming 20mm French Napoleonic Infantry
About Turn

They won't be to everyone's taste, I fear, but I think they have the same very clean, simple and sharp qualities as the Lamming British infantry I finished earlier these year and I have high hopes for them.

Wish me luck!

Yours, as ever


P.S. My special thanks to Goya, international man of mystery and all-round smashing bloke who alerted me to these and was instrumental in getting them to me.

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Lützowers Let Loose

The Lützow Lancers have been let loose behind enemy lines.

Leaving nothing but scorched earth in their wake....

…..the Lützowers  were ordered to show no mercy to isolated enemy detachments.

Napoleon: nous serons vengés!
The figures are:

Der Kriegspielers Napoleoniques set # 139: Prussian Cavalry 1813-1815, Landwehr Lancers x 8

Recast Hinton Hunt Prussian Cavalry 1810-1815, PN 39: Landwehr Lancer, charging x 2, converted into an officer and a trumpeter.

These were supposed to be a quick and easy regiment, but to my dismay I see that I actually started painting them in February. Oh dear. I'll try to do better in future.

Next week: the Action at Blasthof Bridge.


Edit: As Rob has pointed out, there are clearly Der Kriegspielers Napoleoniques set # 139: Prussian Cavalry 1813-1815, Landwehr Lancers x 10.