It's Christmas Eve and I've been hard at it for the last few days working on the 52nd (Christmas chores allowing, that is).
Progress on the 52nd has been a rather glacial business, I'm sorry to say, but at long last they're finally coming together. I've even managed to finish painting a commander for them. He is none other than Lieutenant Colonel Sir John Colborne, who commanded the 52nd at Waterloo.
The figure chosen for this gig was an Alberken BN 35: British light infantry officer, pictured here next to a Hinton Hunt FNH 10: French general officer's horse.
The horse still needs a bit of work, but there's a fair prospect of getting Colborne and the rest of the 52nd finished this week.
In other news, I was very chuffed to see that my flag design for the Russo-German Legion has caught on a bit. You can see it here: The Hinton Spieler.: Green Jarmins
Pictured below is the absolutely exquisite version painted by Aly Morrison: