For the last few weeks I've been preparing a regiment of Prussian dragoons.
Progress has been a bit slow, I'm sorry to say, but the conversions are finally complete and they all have their white undercoats on, ready for the kick off.
Part of the slowness was simply down to the rarity of these figures. About half of them needed sword repairs, and the three command conversions (the officer, standard bearer and trumpeter) were made from even harder-to-get recasts. The upshot was that there was little room for error, so I had to take my time.
I'm not entirely decided about whch regiment they are to be, so the initial plan is to paint their facings white (which is what I'd do in any case). If I like them like that, then they will be the 2nd (1st West Prussian) Dragoons. If I don't, then I'll probably paint their facings over in pink and turn them into the 6th Neumark Dragoons instead.
How quickly these get done will depend on whether I go travelling again next month. I feel great and my GP says I'm good to go, but my employers may take a different view. I'm hoping to find out in the next week or two.
Wish me luck