Sunday, 5 January 2025

KGL Catch Up

 Just a wee post about where I've got to with these.

There's not all that much to add to them, apart from their haversacks. This is a bit of challenge as the sculpting for these, if that is indeed what the odd looking bulges on their left hips are supposed to represent, is a bit vague to say the least - they may or may not, for example, have canteens moulded on to them. It's very hard to tell and will take a bit of creative painting. Other than that it's just their muskets, greatcoat rolls and innumerable buttons. 

We'll see how we go. The enormous sycamore tree at the bottom of the garden fell down last week, so I now have rather a lot of wood splitting and stacking to do! Thank goodeness I had the good sense to produce a couple of strapping sons. I knew they'd be useful eventually.

Happy New Year!


Edit: below is a recap of the test Rifleman I completed, next to an original, which gives an idea at least of the haversack/canteen area issue. I acually carved this area back and flattened it a bit for my test figures, but decided to leave as is for the rest of them in the hope that how to paint it would be resolved by experimentation. It's very hard indeed to see what Mr Gilder was intending here. The bayonet belt and scabbard amost look as if they're passing over the top of the haversack, which would look extremely awkward.