
Sunday 5 April 2015

Easter Prunny

Der Kriegspieler Prussian Guard Standard Bearer
DK 125: Prussian Guard Standard Bearer
My other Easter project was this wee chappy.

Having run out of Prussian line infantry I was getting a bit worried that my army would be lacking a "proper" Prussian flag with a big black cross on it! It was then I remembered that there was nothing to prevent me from using some of the original Prussian foot guards that had got me started on this project. These would make a fine line grenadier battalion. I also happened to have just the figure for it - what I think may be part of the DK 125 set, Prussian Landwehr, Jaeger and Guard Command. However, he may equally be a David Clayton figure.

Although I should really be working on my Neumark Landwehr battalion, I just couldn't resist the challenge. So, it looks like I'm now committed to doing the 2nd East Prussian Grenadiers. More discipline needed in this army!

A toute a l'heure,



  1. That standard is a labour of love, much doffing of virtual hat going on here!

  2. That flag is a work of art Matt! I think the figure is more likely to be Clayton than DK...

    1. Thanks Ian. You may be right. However, he came with a batch of what most definitely were DK figures, so you never know. DKs are altogether a bit mysterious!

  3. And supposedly Clayton bought out DK and kept in production any of their figures that he thought fitted! So inclusion in a batch might not be a clue as to ultimate origin??

    1. Inquiries have been made in the United States! I'll post the results if I get any.
      In the meantime, I've had another look at him and it's just possible to make out the top halves of a "1" and very possibly a "2" under the base, whereas there is nothing at all that looks like HH or David Clayton coding. So, I guess he's looking more like a DK original than anything else at the moment.

    2. Don points out that one must also consider the somewhat mysterious Replacement Depot, a small manufacturer operating out of New York
