
Sunday 19 April 2015

Landwehr Review

Hinton Hunt Prussian Landwehr Infanry Charging
Attack Column
It is time for Generals Gneisenau and Bulow (for it is he) to conduct the by-now traditional review of the newly-raised 2nd Neumark Landwehr Infantry Regiment. Their drill has improved immeasurably now that they've been put onto their bases.

I've stuck to my original basing scheme on the grounds that I can't think of too many occasions, if any, that I would want to field a single row of close-order infantry figures. I've always thought that double rows of close-order infantry looked best in a Napoleonic game.

Hinton Hunt Prussian Landwehr Infanry Charging
Form Line!
The battalion bases are made up of three 40mm x 30mm stands, and one each of 40mm x 15mm, 26.5mm x 15mm and 13.5mm x 15mm to allow for casualties. The generals are on 20mm x 30mm bases. As I have only two generals, adding individual names to their bases didn't seem very ugent!

Hinton Hunt Prussian Landwehr Infanry Charging
About Turn!
The material used for the bases is 2mm plasticard. This is an excellent material: stiff, robust, easy to cut accurately and to shape as desired with a little light sanding. The only drawback is that the paint doesn't stick to it all that well. My solution to this problem is to lightly sand the surfaces.

The bases are painted with two coats of Humbrol 80 Grass Green. This is quite a pleasingly bright colour taken on its own, but turns much darker and muddier in appearance when a protective coat of varnish is applied, as seen here. I've yet to find the right shade of green to combat this problem. I may try some experiments with suitably coloured housepaint!

Hinton Hunt Prussian Landwehr Infanry Charging
Column of Route
I'm still dithering about whether to start some cavalry, artillery, another battalion of infantry or just throw discipline out of the window and make a start on the enemy! However, as most of these projects depend on things that are currently on order or in the post, the answer may be provided by whatever turns up first!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Hinton Hunt Prussian Landwehr Infanry Charging
Form Square!


  1. Very nice. If you want a very light base colour try Tamiya XF4- yellow-green. Brings out the colours but doesn't coat well.

  2. Wonderful unit. How many units will be in your Prussian Army?


    1. Thanks Paul. Only 4 battalions so far. Difficult to say what the final total will be - it all depends on whether or not I can find the figures. If I have a target I guess it would be a complete division. I have enough for couple more HH guard/grenadier battalions - the rest will probably be DK Brits and Portuguese pretending to be Prussian Reserve Infantry in their borrowed British uniforms!

    2. I think "whatever turns up first" is a suitable strategy! For Ian's bases I actually paint the bases after the varnish is dry - the matt base/gloss figure is quite effective.

  3. Another lovely looking unit. If I was starting my project again I would be basing my figures in two ranks like you so good choice I think!

    1. Cheers Ian. Since this particular "Vast Prussian Horde" is unlikely to end up all that vast I may revert to your more flexible three-figure bases in the long run!
