
Sunday 3 May 2015

The 45th Forms Up

Der Kriegspielers DK 9: French Line Infantry 1812, advancing
The 45me de Ligne takes shape.

Der Kriegspielers DK 9: French Line Infantry 1812, advancing
DK 9: French Line Infantry 1812, advancing.
My Der Kriegspielers tribute to the 45th has reached the halfway mark.

The marching officer is one of Chuck's splendid DK 13: French Line Infantry 1812 Command figures, and I have to say that I think he's come out rather well! Most of other the figures are DK 9: French Line Infantry 1812, advancing.

DK 9 is clearly modeled on the Hinton Hunt FN 5 figure, French Infantry of the Line 1812-15, Fusilier charging. However, there are some significant differences to look out for in case anyone else comes across these figures.

The first thing to note is the head position, which is facing directly forwards in DK 9 rather than to the side as in the FN 5 figure. Another difference is the musket sling. This is fastened tight against the musket in FN 5, but hangs loose in DK 9. Finally, the bases on the DK 9s are rectangular rather than forming the classic HH square. As with many DKs, they are also altogether lighter, slimmer and less detailed than their HH contemporaries. A final identifier is the "9'"inscription discernible under most of the bases

Der Kriegspielers DK 9: French Line Infantry 1812, advancing
DK 9 musket sling variations

They may not be Hinton Hunts, but I'm delighted with them nonetheless. The lack of deep relief detail made them simple and quick to paint, and they look balanced and well proportioned. In short, I think it's entirely fair to say they have a charm of all of their own.

I also like them because while I was painting them I experienced one of those moments of pure geeky joy when I realised that there are in fact two variants of the DK 9 fusilier - one with musket sling starting in front of the left hand, and one starting after it! If this batch is anything to go by, the former is a lot rarer than the latter.

The next post will look at another unique DK feature - the inclusion of special 'Elite' variants within the French line infantry range. I have eight of the DK 9E variants, which will serve vary well for the 45th's grenadiers and voltigeurs.



  1. You've done a fantastic job on these Matt. It's only when you get down to painting that these fascinating variations come to light. The finished unit should look superb!

    1. Cheers Ian. They're certainly coming out very bright. I may need to do something about those dazzling white trousers and lapels!

  2. A nice set of figures, look forward to seeing them on parade. Particularly like the drummer and the eagle, very nice job on the flag.


    1. Thanks Paul. Shouldn't be too long before they fall in. Nice simple figures!
