
Thursday 14 May 2015

The 45th Goes Forth

Der Kriegspielers French Line Infantry 1812
Fall In the 45th!
Der Kriegspielers French Line Infantry 1812
I was at home with a cold today, so had nothing better to do between sneezes than to finish my DK tribute to Ian's 45th.

At just under four weeks to paint from first to last, this battalion has got to be something of a speed-painting record for me.

Two whole companies devoted to grenadiers and voltigeurs was a bit of an extravagance, but I thought that as this was my first French battalion I should stint them nothing.

I think I'll need to do at least one more battalion to get the French Army well and truly underway before returning to the Prussians. The only question is, should it be another line battalion or some light infantry? I rather like the idea of an all-blue unit....

Der Kriegspielers French Line Infantry 1812Many thanks again to Chuck for providing the vital command figures. It just wouldn't have been the same with a home-made Eagle. Having said that, I think it's certain that I'm going to have to have a go at this at some stage!


Der Kriegspielers French Line Infantry 1812


  1. Very nice indeed. They look the part.

    The green on the bases works very well. Out of interest who makers the green paint?



    1. Cheers, Mark. It's Humbrol 80 Grass Green all the way, with gloss varnish on top on the figures and matt varnish on the stands. Be warned, it never seems to dry to the same colour after each application, sometimes even on the same stand! However, I've yet to find a better one. I tried a few Tamiya greens but they were simply awful, The Tamiya "Park Green" looked like something you might find growing on some mouldy bread!

  2. Lovely work - you are not planning to have a 20mm Sergeant Ewart nick their eagle, are you?

    1. Cheers, Tony! There may indeed be vintage Sgt Ewart and his mates somewhere at the back of the painting queue.....However, I'll need to learn how to do proper sword repairs before tackling them!

  3. A wonderful job there Matt. The gloss varnish really brings out the colours. I'm sure that the '1st' battalion of the 45th would be proud to serve alongside them!

    1. Thank you Ian! My "10,632nd" battalion are honoured!

  4. Another beautiful battalion :)

    1. Thanks, 'Lee. But also rather delicate! You should see them standing next to those big fat Prussian HH Landwehr!

  5. Very nice indeed. I once had the chance to examine Peter Gilder's Hinton Hunt collection 'in the flesh' - and yours would sit well amongst those.

    1. Thanks DC. That is high praise indeed. Their "Gilderishness" is perhaps inevitable, as it was from Gilder articles that I taught myself to paint back in the late 70s. I'd be hard pressed to paint them any other way!

  6. They look great, well done sir!

  7. Excellent, love the unit and flag, well done, look forward to seeing your collection grow. What will be next?
