
Friday 12 June 2015

......and the Good News Second

The Prussians have arrived!
Well, so much for my schemes and plans. Ian's cavalry have arrived at last! My rant against the postal service was premature. However, one can't help wondering where on earth they've been for the last 2 months.

As Marcus Hinton decreed that Prussian Uhlans should be mounted on chestnut horses in his painting instructions, I've been frantically researching how to do this using Humbrols. Humbrol does not have a very extensive brown colour palette. Expect to see the results on a blog near you soon!



  1. Delighted they've arrived - seriously, I had been waiting to hear whether these guys turned up. You're right - it does make you wonder where things disappear to. When he was a student, one of my sons had a temporary job as a postman, and he said the accepted form was that if you were running out of time on the run (and, at Christmas, all the students were struggling) you just put what was left back in the post box for the next student to pick up... and so on. For a while, Royal Mail Glasgow introduced a Christmas incentive scheme whereby the posties got bonus payments for each bag delivered - some student extra at Castlemilk office realised that he could make far more money by just taking the bags and burying the mail on a landfill site - by the time people realised their cards hadn't arrived, he would be long gone. This went so well that at one point he employed extra guys to help with the burying work. He was found out because he was using Royal Mail vans to take the mail to the dump, but you have to admire his entrepreneurial flair. One reason he got away with it for a while was that the office also got a bonus for his fine delivery record, and so there was reluctance to upset the apple cart, even though it was obvious something weird was happening.

    Anyway - a happy ending this time!

  2. Good to see the lads sunning themselves in NZ. We may never know where they've been but of course it is fashionable for the Prussians to arrive late!

    1. This is a huge relief for me, Ian. I was absolutely mortified when I though they were lost.

      Not too much sun in these parts at the moment. I'll be painting these while feeding lumps of fossilised forest into the old coal range in the dining room!

  3. For chesnut horses, I use Vallejo Red Leather 818 with a GW brown ink wash (Agrax Earthshade). The equivalent is Humbrol 100. I've also seen this on TMP.

    Light chestnut, Ochre (Humbrol 83) for body, Cream (H103) for mane and tail.
    Liver Chestnut, German camouflage red-brown (H 160) Ochre (H 83) for mane and tail

    1. Amazingly, I actually have all of those! However, some rather old.....not sure what's under the lid.

  4. Otherwise, mix humbrol matt red and black and a teentsy drop of yellow and you will get a fine colour.

  5. I think the really important thing is to have enough red in the mix but not too much.
