
Saturday 10 October 2015

General de Diversion

Hinton Hunt FN 224: French General
Hinton Hunt FN 224: French General
One of the reasons why my Prussian hussars are proceeding so slowly is that I've allowed myself to be distracted by another one of Old John's very nicely produced Hinton Hunt recasts: in this case FN 224: French General. I was meant to be doing him in tandem with the hussars, but he somehow managed to take over....

Hinton Hunt FN 224: French GeneralFN 224 must be one of the most famous (and most commonly found) of the Hinton Hunt personality figures. The reason for this must be because he is so endlessly adaptable. Not only can he be made to represent a French brigade, division or corps commander, but by using slightly different colour schemes he can also stand in for one of the many French satellite contingent commanders. As I only have the one, however, I've decided to put him charge of my Frenchmen.

I managed to give him a nice dark coat by liberally washing him down with humbrol black. The lighter blue highlighting, however, may have been a little too subtle.

I'm not sure exactly who he's going to be just yet, but General D'Erlon, the commander of I Corps at Waterloo, is in the lead at the moment.

As for the hussars, I hope to have something to show by next week. I'm very keen to get them done so that I can get started on something altogether more spectacular...

All the best



  1. The first name that sprung to mind was Marshal Soult, but that could be because I am researching for a talk about the end of the Peninsular War campaign in 1813/14. Very nice figure, BTW.

    1. Cheers Pierre. Yes, I also thought Soult, but then I think there's a special HH figure for him, so it wouldn't be right!

  2. He looks proud and beautiful, great job!

  3. Thanks Phil. Yes, he does have a certain hauteur. Lets hope its not pride before a fall,

  4. Looks rather splendid. Lets hope he is a lucky general!

  5. Another wonderful paint job Matt - I love the chestnut horse!

    1. Cheers Ian. The chestnuttyness was caused by your Prussian uhlans. I'm addicted to it now!

  6. A very commanding figure, I'm intrigued as to what will follow the hussars.


    1. Thank you Paul. I hope I don't disappoint! However, my track record in terms of actually doing things in the order I've planned them has not been all that good.
