
Friday 18 March 2016

General Adjutation

Hinton Hunt PN 65: Prussian ADC to General
As Ian S's Muskets & Marshals rules require a lot of commanders, I thought I'd better get cracking and complete the last of the Hinton Hunt Prussian General Staff range.

The figure, I'm very pleased to report, is a vintage  Hinton Hunt PN 65: Prussian ADC to General. His horse is a John Cunningham recast of a Hinton Hunt PNH 1: Prussian General Officer's horse, but is none the worse for that.

After reading the descriptions of Prussian staff officers in David Nash's book, The Prussian Army 1808-1815, it seemed to me that this figure would work very well as an adjutant from the cavalry branch. Cavalry adjutants were required to wear white cuirassier officer's uniforms, but with a cocked hat rather than a helmet.

Hinton Hunt PN 65: Prussian ADC to General

My  man is painted as the most senior grade of cavalry adjutant, known as a Generaladjutant von der Kavallerie. Generaladjutants functioned as senior personal assistants to either the King as part of the Royal Household or to generals in the field, and wore a uniform derived from the Garde du Corps regiment. Marshal Vorwärts, as a cavalryman, has insisted on nothing less!

Forming up behind him is the last of my Phase-One Prussian infantry battalions. More will be revealed in the next post....



  1. Beautifully done, very nice paint job, is it not time for a Prussian Review?

    1. Thanks Man.

      I can't have the review until all the Army has arrived! Although this shouldn't be too far off, there is also the small matter of not having a reviewing field. I hope, however, to have the latter in hand within the next week or two.

  2. Running out of superlatives Matt! More fine painting.

  3. Super stuff Matt - this is the kind of ADC who can take command of a shaken regiment at the drop of a bicorne.

    1. Thanks Tony. I think he;s the kind of ADC who could impersonate the Emperor of Austria in a uniform like that!

    2. Cheers Roy. As you can see, he carries his own special bit of cloth to keep them shiny! It's either that or a cornish pasty.

  4. Beautiful colors and splendid paint brush!

    1. Thank you Phil. I was very pleased to discover that I didn't have to paint him dark blue!

  5. Excellent painting skills as usual! As a keen rider it looks to me like the horse has a red rosette in his bridle. Clearly the ADC has just won the annual staff dressage competition!

    1. Thanks Dave. There's no rosette, so it's an artefact of my dodgy photography, I think. He still cuts a bit of a dash, however, amongst those sombre-looking Prussian generals!
