
Sunday 30 July 2017

Laggardly Lützowers

A variety of domestic duties have cut into my painting time this week, so there's been less progress on the Lützowers than I'd hoped.  I've half the battalion finished, however. If I manage to crack on during the evenings this week, with a bit of luck I should have all the lads to put on show next weekend.

Till then,



  1. They are going to look really formidable on the table - I hope their performance matches up; I find my best paint-jobs always seem to throw rubbish dice. Nonetheless persevere as we're all waiting to see the unit in its full glory. Also be assured you're making better progress than me in the face of domestic distractions and now to cap it off I have builders in for the next 3 weeks or so and that will bring my snail-like progress to a dead stop...

    1. We've got the builders in next week too, Rob, which is why I've achieved so little. I've been spending my time clearing everything up and putting it away.

      It's frustrating as I'm really keen to finish these chaps. They're some of the gnarlyiest looking Prussians I've ever seen!

  2. They do look full of purpose in their black uniforms. Look forward to seeing the complete unit. The Prussian army must be getting quite large now?

    1. It's still only six and a half battalions, Matt, but it'll look formidable with the Hanoverians attached. Once phase two is complete I'll have ten battalions and four cavalry regiments on each side. It's going to take me until the end of next year at the earliest to get there, however!

  3. Had these been matt varnished they would look lifeless compared to the vibrancy of the gloss black.

    The black/red combination also reminds me of the Anarchist colours in the SCW.

    Looking forward to seeing the finished unit.

    1. Cheers, Mark.
      There is a little subtle shading, believe it or not, but it's a little too subtle to show up on the photos.

    2. One of the reasons I like gloss as it provides a natural highlight by relecting light.

      I zoomed in and can see the highlight.

  4. Hmm. It's a lifestyle choice, Mark. I fancy that if I suggested to my 6th Ulans that they should have glossy coats, they would become gnarly indeed. Mind you, I have to agree that WM's chaps look superb. I'm still obsessing about their beautifully round white cockades.

    1. Wellington Lad II refers to them as the Mysterons, Archduke.

  5. You certainly know how to paint 'black' uniforms Matt, it's not an easy thing to get right and the gloss really sets them off. I remember when I was at school and introduced to Napoleonic wargames in a mates garage, his plastic 'prussians' (actually Airfix French) were simply dipped into a tin of black and once dry the faces and hands painted pink .... job done!

    1. Painting these was not all that dissimilar, 'Lee! If only all the battalions were this simple.

  6. Although it should be simple I find painting black quite tricky but these look superb!

    1. If they work I think it's less to do with my painting and more to do with these clean, crisp and beautifully proportioned figures, Ian. There was just the right amount of relief on the musket barrels, etc., to guide the paintbrush to all the right spots. This is rarely the case with DKs!

  7. Beautiful figures, look forward to seeing in action

