
Saturday 30 September 2017

Trading Post

There's not much to report on the creative front at the moment as I've mostly been engaged in sorting through, cataloguing and rationalizing the lead pile over the last couple of weeks, which has also led to rather a lot of swapping. The outcome is a much increased Prussian cavalry force, of which more to come in future posts.*

On the subject of swapping, Tony S has sent me pictures of a couple of interesting and unusual Der Kriegspielers sets which he wishes to either swap or sell.

The first set consist of a full set of 24 of Der Kriegspielers Napoleoniques set # 122: von Lutzow Battalion, Repelling.

DK: 122 Front

DK 122: Rear
The second set is another full set of eight of Napoleoniques set # 140: Mounted Freiwilliger Jaegers.

DK 140: Left Side

DK 140: Right Side
If anyone is interested in either of these sets, please contact me (via the contact in my profile) and I'll pass on your request to Tony.

In other news, a big welcome to Dave, who has begun a new vintage 20mm Napoleonics blog, called HintonHull. There's a spelling mistake in there somewhere.



* Thank you chaps!


  1. That mounted Freiwilliger Jaeger is just asking to have a sabre substituted for his carbine and he'd be a dead ringer for the dragoon on the cover of Great Battles: Leipzig, Battle of the Nations. But clearly you've a brigade or more of Prussian cavalry already lining up at the paint sheds...
    Don't let those paint pots dry out!

  2. Nice figures , I do love one piece mounted castings !

  3. Thank you, Gents. I rather like them too, but as you say, Rob, I am now awash with Prussian horsemen.

    If I hadn't already painted the Lützowers I would definitely have put a bid in for the DK 122s.
