
Monday 4 June 2018

A Vintage Viceroy

It's been more than two weeks, I'm ashamed to say, since I promised to post my first battle report about the Prussian Expeditionary Force, and it's still not ready. The main reason I haven't done it is that I've been far too busy painting. There's nothing like photo editing, it seems, to drive one back to the painting table.

Presented below is what I've been up to. He is a vintage Hinton Hunt FN 352: Eugène de Beauharnais, uniformed as a Colonel of the Chasseurs a Cheval, on horse FN 11.

The regiment he will command, of course, is to be the Chasseurs à Cheval of the Imperial Guard. It was high time, I thought, that the Essex Hussar ceased his photobombing and got a proper job; and besides, the Emperor need's a regiment with at least a ghost of chance of defeating the Leib Hussars.

The only Chasseur I've got to show so far is the trumpeter, who is a converted Der Kriegspieler from set # 47: Guard Chasseurs a Cheval.

He's a little more My Little Pony-ish than I'd intended, but I decided to  keep him as he is because he's actually not too far off the pastel shade of pink depicted in the famous Martinet print.

The rest of the regiment is going to take a while, so the next post will definitely be about the PEF!


Essex Hussar: Gadzooks!


  1. Another magnificent figure! Thank you for your continual inspiration. Seeing your figures painted to glossy perfection helps keep me moving forward.

  2. Thank you CN. My output is nothing like as good as yours at the moment!

    1. I have got quite far to go to catch up to you.... And, I would like to play a game or two in the not too distant future, so my hand is kind of forced at the moment.

      I have finished the guns (two British and one French) and have the artillery crew figures underway. I decided to build and paint a second French gun as well. Now all I have to do is find some Frenchmen to crew them.

  3. Defeat the Leib Hussars? No Chance!!!
    Another splendid piece of painting.

  4. Those are rather lovely...

    I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the unit...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cheer, Aly. I'll try to get them done within the next year or so.....

  5. Defeat the Leib Hussars? Bien sûr mon ami! Splendid colors, splendid subject...Vive l'Empereur!

    1. Thank you Phil. One must retain a positive spirit!

  6. Beautiful dapple greys matt, you have mastered that :)

    1. Cheers 'Lee. By the way, I saw your magnificent Hinchliffe ECW army when I was in London. Lovely, lovely, lovely.

  7. Yes! An impressive start.

    Best Regards,


    1. You like Chasseurs, Stokes? I hope I do them justice. The rank and file are actually rather sombre in their dark green and black fur. I'm hoping their beautiful bay horses will help them stand out to a bit - and hence also the OTT trumpeter!

  8. The Chasseurs are flashy in a restrained and tasteful way. Imagine what they would look like in a Murat uniform! You have done a great job on them.

    1. I was inspired by the absolutely cracking regiment you put into the field a few weeks ago, LG. The officers look rather Christmassy, don't you think?

  9. Your command figures get better and better. I dont have many command figures however I wonder if I can make a Eugene figure using a French elite hussar using my Dremel to remove the sword and carbine, reposition the plume and dremel the saddle blanket and build up a new leopard skin blanket using milliput.

    1. I think Eugene must be one of the nicest castings that Marcus ever created, Mark. I've managed to make him look a little too much like Douglas Hague, mind you. He'll suit my command style.

      I think your plan sounds splendid.

  10. Replies
    1. Cheers, Dave. It's slightly absurd to have a Marshal commanding every regiment, but I can't keep my hands off them.

    2. Eugène a Marshal - I think not, but then Muskets & Generals isn’t as catchy.

    3. I figured a Viceroy counted as a Marshal equivalent, Rob!

    4. It's only the Kingdom of Rome - it isn't even all Italy so let's not get carried away... ;o)
      My first comment which went astray in the ether was pondering why I liked Eugene's horse so much more than the trumpeter's. On reflection the former is nicer sculpt and also has more/brighter white which lifts it - all down to breeding no doubt as one has to maintain the distinctions of rank.
      That said Eugene is a classic sculpt - really captures the painting of him that this is undoubtedly based on. Also your treatment of his uniform will give me some guidelines when I make my own first dabble into HH soon.

    5. Here is that painting:

    6. Cheers CN. I have no doubt that Marcus modelled his Eugene on that portrait by Hendrik Scheffer. I used it as my painting guide - hence the one glove off and one glove on thing that I've got going on.
