Having belatedly finished the two centre companies of my new French line Infantry battalion, I have to decide what to put on the flanks.
There are three main options:
Option one is well-stocked grenadier and voltigeur companies à la Wellington Man. This has become something of a house standard, driven for the most part by the figures I happened to have lying about:
Option one is well-stocked grenadier and voltigeur companies à la Wellington Man. This has become something of a house standard, driven for the most part by the figures I happened to have lying about:
Option two is to represent the elites in their proper portions (i.e. as no more than a third of the battalion), as demonstrated by Mark Dudley:
Option three is fusiliers all the way, which is the speciality of Monsieur Stryker:
Option three is fusiliers all the way, which is the speciality of Monsieur Stryker:
I can't make up my mind.