
Sunday 16 December 2018

Christmas Crackers

My Chasseurs are complete.

The Emperor has despatched his finest regiment
to reconnoitre the road to Berlin.

The Chasseurs deploy onto the far bank unopposed.

But at that very moment, the enemy appears.
 It is the dreaded Leib Hussars.

Without a moment's hesitation, Prince Eugene
wheels his squadrons to face the foe.

The Leib Hussars also prepare to attack.

Essex Hussar: Chasseurs, the eyes of the Emperor are upon us.
Pamela, Sound the charge!

In the blink of an eye, the charging squadrons are upon each other,
sabres flashing in the clear morning light...

...and in an instant the Leib Hussars are overthrown.

Napoleon: That's more like it!

The figures are:

Vintage Hinton Hunt:
FN 48: French Imperial Guard Cavalry, Chasseur a Cheval charging x 9;

Der Kriegspielers Napoleoniques:
Set # 47: Guard Chasseurs a Cheval x 1;
Set # 47: Guard Chasseurs a Cheval x 1, converted into a trumpeter; and

The Essex Hussar.

Special thanks to Don W and MS Foy, without whom I could never have assembled this regiment. Please accept my apologies, chaps, for the ridiculous amount of time its taken me to complete them.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and the very best for the New Year.



  1. Brilliant job! I had been regularly keeping an eye out for this unit and they don't disappoint. On spotting them I cast aside my ineffective iPad, leapt out bed and fired up the trusty PC to register my approval.

    Do though please tell us more on how they overcame the hitherto invincible Leib Husaren? Judging from the casualties 3-2, it was a score draw in the first round, 1-1, followed by a triumphant 2-1 in the second? I assume the Chasseurs are A+ but are the Prussians A or B class?

    1. *Laughter*. That is precisely what happened, Rob, and the respective ratings are as you suppose (the Leib Hussars have always been A Class). I think it must have been the effect of being "under the eyes of the Emperor". Needless to say, this will probably never happen again....

    2. Logically, unless you'd tweaked the M&M rules, that was the only way it (a 3-2 result) could've worked out although I stand ready to be corrected...

  2. What a splendid collection of cavalry, well done!

    1. Cheers Phil. If only I could paint them a bit faster!

  3. Beautiful regiment(s) Matt, well worth the wait. Wonderful rich colours. Merry Christmas to you and yours too.

  4. If they knocked out the Leib Hussars they must be tough nuts indeed! Stunning work WM this could be your best unit to date - can't wait to see what's in store for 2019.

    1. All I can say about that at the moment Ian is that Lammings are guaranteed.

  5. Beautiful looking figures and a Merry Christmas to you and yours !

  6. A brisk little affair and an enjoyable start to the day - for the Chasseurs at least.

    1. It's going to take a while for the Leib Hussars to live this down, Mark. It was a very tense dicing for the outcome. I didn't want either side to lose!

  7. Superb sir...
    And in suitably seasonal colours.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. If Santa's little helpers ever went to war, one supposes they would look rather similar.

  8. "hitherto invincible" Leib Husaren, eh? Well it is Christmas, so Surely the Leib Husaren trumpeter should have played Silent Night, Pamela would have gone all teary, embraced Shirley, and gemutlichkeit broken out all round with exchange of schnapps and cognac. My excuse is that I watched Waterloo last night and my grip on reality is tenuous. These guys just set the new iconic standard for gorgeous cavalry, so frohliche Weihnacht to you, WM, and all those who believe in you.

  9. I will echo Rob's comments and say what a lovely surprise to wake up to! I knew they must be on the horizon, but to get to see them cross the bridge and engage with the Hussars was a treat indeed. No worries regarding the Lieb Hussars however. I am sure Blucher is waiting just over the rise of a hill to rally them and send them once more into the fray - where I am sure they will meet with success!

    1. There were trolls under that bridge, David, but there was no way they were coming out to face this lot.

      Blucher is thinking about getting something a bit heavier in the new year...

  10. Yes! Toy soliderly marzipans for the season. Lovely.

    Best Regards,


    1. Christmas soldiers have to be red, Stokes. It's the law.

    2. Absolutely lovely and actually more old school than the old schoolif that is possible. The Guard Chasseurs were sans pareil so no wonder they beat the Leiben. In M&M the French get a +1 on initiative which helps them win the right to dclare their charge first and that can help a lot.

    3. The real old schoolers would have had all the proper figures, LG, instead of cobbling them together like I have.

      I forgot about the +1 for the French, but they won the initiative anyway!

  11. Absolutely stunning. As a real Essex lad I can confirm we (nearly) all dress like that too!

    1. It was Wellington Women who alleged this, Matt, honestly!

  12. A very fine unit of Chasseurs, they are, and all. Actually, the Black Husaren is a quietly spectacular unit as well - they will be telling themselves they were just unlucky. Nothing will discourage a light cavalry with such understated swagger...

    1. *Laughter*. I haven't the slightest doubt that the Leib Husaren's normal invincibility will be resumed shortly!
