
Sunday 17 February 2019

Testing Times

Painting time has been a bit hard to come by lately, so there isn't a great deal to show apart from the test figure I finished this afternoon.

He's the first of my Lützow Lancers, which will complete the cavalry component of Wallmoden's Corps.

The figure is a Der Kriegspielers Napoleoniques  from set no.139: Prussian Landwehr Lancers. The rest of the regiment will also be DKs, apart from the two command figures which will be conversions of Hinton Hunt recasts.

I'm hoping these won't take too long as I've just found out that I'm to be on my travels again before too long. I'd really like to get another infantry battalion under my belt before I set off. My work stress is mounting rapidly, however, which is usually quite good for my painting rate....We'll see how we go.



  1. Replies
    1. In a sinister sort of way, he is a bit. Cheers Phil

    2. I have to agree with Phil. As to "sinister", are we going to read of these chaps admiring butterflies in hedgerows, or will he be using that pointy thing to rid the field of French rascals? Pointless to say "don't work too hard", I know. Just remember, there'll be soldiers to paint after all the work stuff is history.

    3. That is certainly true, Archduke, given the rate I'm painting them.

      They'll be mostly C class, this lot, so it remains to be seen whether or not they actually manage to hurt anybody. They look scary though, which is the main thing...

  2. More great work Matthew, the chestnut finish on that horse is particularly superb! Looking forward to seeing the completed unit.

    1. Cheers Ian. A special page on horses really is almost ready. All it's waiting for is for me to finish the French marshal I've had on the go for about 2 months now.

  3. The ladies just love a soldier dressed in black.

    I also have a unit of Lutzow Lancers and used recast Prussian Dragoons to make the command figures. What are you using ?

    1. Some of them were ladies, apparently!

      I'm using a couple of JC's HH Landwehr Cavalry. These were the very first soldiers I bought from JC, but they had miscast lances so I've been waiting all this time to find an opportunity for converting them.

  4. It seems the plainer the uniforms and more restrained the palette the smarter they look - and these do look smart.

    I can't wait to see Wallmoden's Corps parading in it's full glory.

    Once again an earlier attempt to comment from my iPad failed - but maybe that was a good thing as I did refer to Wallmoden's command as a brigade, which might've prompted an international incident.

    1. Me too, Rob....only two more units to go....Aaaaarrrghhhhh. It's been more than two years, already!

  5. I do like one piece castings , sadly a thing of the past nowadays .

    1. OPCs are all I've been able to get, Tony, but I'm not complaining too much. They have a quirkiness which is very appealing, although it makes painting them a lot more difficult.

  6. Work eh?
    I know what you mean about work stress increasing the painting my case it´s a sort of Therapie but the time spent at work. Necessary to get the means to obtain the figs but then there´s not enough time to paint them..loads of time to paint = no means to obtain the minis.
    Whatever, you´ve done a fine Job on the elegant but sinister lancer

    1. Cheers Paul.
      Thankfully, he was a lot simpler than most, so I've decided to have a go at painting the rest of his comrades all at once instead of a squadron at a time. It's sort of going OK so far....

  7. Agreed! A very attractive taste of things to come. The horse color, in particular, is a lovely shade.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thank you Stokes. He's undercoated in bright orange and then washed in brown ink, which is dead easy to do.
      (I nicked the idea from you, of course)

  8. Very nice...
    The Prussian goth look is clearly the new big thing... or so all the hipster trendsetters tell me...

    All the best. Aly

    1. *Laughter*
      I rather fancy them as the elite Black Guard of the Army of Ruritania when they're not being Prussians.

    2. Fantastic painting!. I will be adding a unit of these at some point in the future.
