
Saturday 16 March 2019

No Title

No post this week. The awful terrorist atrocity in Christchurch has taken the wind out of the sails of a lot of us down this way. Our PM says this is not who we are, and we're all desperate to believe it.



  1. A great shock to us all , it's sad what damage these lone nutters can do to peaceful people .

  2. Believe it with confidence and pride. No nation is defined by mentally disordered people. Much less by other nations' mentally disordered people. You have a town called Christchurch where moslems felt at home. If good people start to doubt themselves, then chaos has won.

  3. The horror reverberates around the World matt, unbelievable.

  4. It’s hard to believe this is the 21st Century sometimes. All the best .

  5. It's difficult to imagine what goes on in the mind of someone capable of that kind of act. Unfortunately it is something we have had to face many times in the US, with violent anti-immigrant/racist rhetoric starting at the very top. I don't know the societal solution, but we start at home, teaching our children acceptance of others and to embrace different cultures and ways of seeing the world. Sometimes it seems that is all we can do.
    I have been meaning to get this for our home for months, so today purchased this yard sign. A small act, but every act that shows kindness and acceptance may help.

  6. Thoughts and wishes seem totally insufficient and almost meaningless, but they are there. Along with a determination and unity of purpose that the good in human nature will prevail over such hatred and abominable acts.
    We are so embarrassed and numbed that such a person was produced by this country.

  7. The reaction of New Zealand’s people to this horror has been magnificent... you have shown kindness,love ,support and respect to the victims and their families... this is the thing you should try to hold on to.
    We can not let the behaviour of madmen change the way think and feel.

    All the best. Aly

  8. Thank you for your comments all.

    A lot of us in NZ rather naively imagined we were immune to this kind of hatred. The fact that the shooter seems not to have been a New Zealander is only a small consolation. We have our own alt-right fanatics, sad to say.

    The way the country has rallied round our tiny islamic community, however, is really heartening.

  9. Our thoughts and good wishes are with you. Sadly human nature doesn’t seem to change fast enough.

  10. How does the Hinton Hunt community plan to stay in touch after our blogs are wiped clean by Google? Ideas?

    1. Hello CN. A good question. It hasn't happened yet thank goodness. One suspects that we'll all have to resort to subscription news letters like in the good old days.

    2. I received a notice by email from Google that it would be happening after the end of March. Have you backed up tour articles and photos? Will you post to a new blog platform? I really don’t want to lose your blog as a source of inspiration.

    3. Hi CN. I received an email from Google + being discontinued (even though there's nothing much on there in my case) - but nothing about blogger. I'm pretty sure the Hintonspieler will still be here in a month.
