Saturday, 23 November 2019

Harps and Lions Update

This Saturday has been all about prepping figures and fighting a battle, but I haven't got any pictures ready yet, so to be going on with I have an update on the Royal Standard of Charles I that I painted for my friend Rob about 15 months ago.

Rob has finally completed the command base that he had planned for it, which is pictured below. I'm absolutely delighted by this - not least because it shows that I'm not the only one who takes absolutely ages to get round to things!

Wrong but Romantic

I'm guessing that the King is the chap on the left. I recognise the horse-holder, however - he's a Hinchliffe gunner, if I'm not mistaken. I still have one somewhere up in the attic. Whatever they are, they have been beautifully painted.

I've pleaded with Rob to let me show off more pictures of his other wonderful ECW flags and figures, but he won't let me.

Have a great weekend


Rob tells me that the figures are:
  • for King Charles, a Warrior Miniature’s CWC7 on horse ??? (answers in a blog comment, please-possibly Essex?);
  • for the bare-headed officer, a Hinchliffe personality General Fairfax (PF23) on LH3 Light Horse Standing Arched Neck;
  • a Hinchliffe Colour Bearer In Helmet ECW11; and
  • a Hinchliffe Gunner Porte Fire ECW18 – less porte fire and powder flask changed with green stuff to a satchel.
Edit 2:

Here's another shot of them with a bit of artistic lighting!

Friday, 15 November 2019

Mind the GàP

I'm off to Auckland on a work gig this weekend, so this week's post is a little earlier than usual.

Hinton Hunt Old Guard Grenadiers
Officier: Bataillion!

Hinton Hunt Old Guard Grenadiers
The Grenadiers à Pied have arrived hot foot from the Interior

Hinton Hunt Old Guard Grenadiers

Hinton Hunt Old Guard Grenadiers
The Emperor Arrives for the Review

Hinton Hunt Old Guard Grenadiers
The Guard goes through its evolutions

Hinton Hunt Old Guard Grenadiers

Hinton Hunt Old Guard Grenadiers

Hinton Hunt Old Guard Infantry
La Garde réunie. Napoleon: Je suis content!
To recap, the figures are:

Hinton Hunt:
FN 29: Grenadiers of the Old Guard, marching x 20
FN 28: Grenadiers of the Old Guard, Sergeant, marching x 1
FN 27: Grenadiers of the Old Guard, Officer, marching x 1
FN 25: Grenadiers of the Old Guard, Drummer, charging x 1 (a David Clayton casting); and

Der Kriegspielers Napoleoniques set #20: Infantry of the Old Guard Command Group, Grenadier Eagle bearer x 1

They're going into battle next week.
Have a great weekend



What with all the talk of being shot to pieces and running away in the Comments, I thought I should post this quick test shot of the Guard getting ready for their grand photo session. Muskets & Marshals make guards units almost impossible to beat. That big red splodge, it occurred to me, is probably all that's left of  the last lot to tackle with them.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Guard update

Even after twenty battalions I still remain absurdly optimistic when estimating the time things are going to take. When I woke up this morning my woman had left me and the dog was dead (she's only away for the weekend, and the dog died several decades ago, but it's still true) , but aside from that I thought my remaining eight guardsmen would take, oh, no more than an hour and half to finish off, easily.

The Hateful Eight
Eight hours later (with only a very short break for lunch) they have just received their varnish and will need at least another 8-10 hours to dry, which is why I haven't been able to mount them and show them off properly in time for this week's post.

Next week should be good though.