Friday 30 August 2024

Preparing for War

If you've been wondering why the 2nd King's German Light Infantry Battalion seems to have disappeared, it's because I've been preparing for the Wellington Warlords annual "Call to Arms" wargames convention this weekend. Yes it's true, I'm finally coming out of the closet and will be wargaming in public.

The troops all packed up and ready to go:

The Army has been magnestised!

This has taken weeks of preparation, but this evening we're all set up and ready to go tomorrow morning:

I even ran up a poster in the faint hope that it might drum up a bit of interest:

You never know, a passing graphic designer may take pity on me and help me to do a slightly better job next time.

We're booked in for two days, so there'll be lots of battle pictures. My nemesis, the Dastardly Freiherr Von Driberg, is to be my opponent.

Wish me luck,



  1. Good luck, not that you will need it.
    French vs. Prussians I guess? I wish I was there, I'm sure I'm less dastardly than v. Driberg.
    Really interested to hear how 'old-skool'/'retro' goes down with those generations (X, Y & Z) that didn't encounter it first time around. Our hobby's legacy rests in your hands - no pressure...

    1. We've been relgated to a side annex, Rob, with all the competition games taking place in the main hall. There seem to be an awful lot of Space Pixies going on in there. Historical wargaming is a dying art!

      French vs Prussians it is, although there are rumours of a Redcoat intervention.

  2. Can't wait to see and hear more after the fact!

    Kind Regards,


    1. As we're only feilding small armies there may be a lot of games and a lot to report Stokes!

  3. I am sure you will amaze and thrill everyone who visits your table Matthew…
    How could anyone miss the glorious shine of classic vintage toys.

    Have fun…
    All the best. Aly

  4. Looking forward to seeing the battle pictures and reports to come, should be very interesting.

    1. We're refighting one of Charles Grant's classic Table Top Teasers, Donnie. It's an affair of advance guards, with loads of cavalry and randomised reinfrcements, which promises to be very exciting!

  5. Love the poster - hope it goes well!

    1. Cheer's Ian. It's not very often that the troops get an outing, so there is more than a litte anxiety involved. We're among friends, though, so I'm sure all will be well.

  6. Oooh - not only shiny but magnetized! I'm sure that took a lot of work. Wish I had thought of it, but then the magnets would hide all of my beautiful unit labels so never mind. Enjoy the show and take lots of pictures!

    1. It did! I should have been doing this from the beginning, but was far too idle. It took three days to magnestise them all, and it's still less than half the army. I happy to report that it worked though - all there and back safe and sound and ready again for the tomorrow.

  7. Enjoy the show - I reckon it will be a stonking success!

    1. We did and it was Matt. Full report to follow!

  8. Brilliant to see these figures on the table and great to catch up with you and 'von Driberg'. I am looking forward to seeing your pictures of the games. Rhys

    1. Thank you, Rhys. It was such a pleasure to see you. I'm sorting through all the zillions of photos now.

  9. The game would have looked fantastic Matt and I look forward to your photos and report about it in a coming post.
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you James. It did indeed and I've just posted about it. The Wellington Warlords hadn't seen anything like that for a few years!
